Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hi from Laramie,

Yesterday we took a detour and went north to I80. If you have seen the news there was a heavy snow in Northern Colorado with about a foot in the Fort Collins area. We saw the news this morning and the roads are reported to be bad down there. So we came north and stayed here in Laramie.

This morning it was 3 below and the real feel temp was 14 below!

Here is a picture of the team at the museum before we left and another at the Ark Encounter offices.

Had a wonderful time in Branson and the meeting with the folks at New Leaf press was very exciting.

Hope to give some report and more pictures on Sunday.

We stayed with the Gilmore’s and the Unruh’s in Kansas two nights ago. It was 86 degrees in Missouri the day before we left with the leaves really changing. At Branson Amy and Caleb came to see us and we had a great time of fellowship with them. At the museum Caleb B. and Ethan joined us too!

Cort did a fine job playing the hammered dulcimer at the museum lobby and he also played before I spoke to the pastors and also at the JHBC booth. The young people did a fine job representing the college.

Thanks Kenton for the fine message last week. Looks like the small groups are ready to fly. This is very good.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Well the Pastors's Conference is history. We had a wonderful time. I spoke today twice, once for a devotional for about 20 min plus on the subject of forgiveness and a regular session this afternoon on the subject of God and the Spectacular.

Here is a picture of our crew. The booth for the college went very well and we had a lot of responses. Cort played at the booth today as well as in the lobby of the museum. The team represented the school very well and met a lot of interesting people.

It was Ken's birthday today and we had several presentations during the day.

The kids are tired and tomorrow we head over to the Ark Encounter offices so they can meet the team there and share some of the book.

They enjoyed hearing Mohler and the many of the other speakers as well.

It has been raining here for most of our stay.

I had the opportunity to present a gift to Ken and Mally on behalf of the board and include a picture also of that.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Well today was the first day of the Pastor's Conference. Al Mohler spoke twice today and along with our speakers and Ken etc had lunch with him. He did a wonderful job and gave insight as to the state of affairs with Christian leaders who have tried to make peace with modern thinking on millions of years. Will try to share this with you all when we get home.

Beverly's birthday today and the daughters sent flowers!

Staff met later tonight to go over the day at the booth and the needs for tomorrow. They are doing a fine job and representing the college and church well. Met Lance and Karen and had a great time with them, also some others we met last time.

Appreciate your prayers for the two presentations on Thursday.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011


We had a neat experience yesterday. We traveled a part of the Blue Ridge Parkway and soon after getting on this route we came to a turnout that had a sign about the migration of the Monarch butterflies. I remember seeing the migration featured I think in a Moody Science film. At any rate while we were standing there the butterflies were flying overhead and sometimes pretty close to us. I have copied a couple of pictures. These amazing insects travel something like 4000 miles in their migration. A clear testimony to the design of the Creator.

Note the butterfly in the middle of the picture and another one against the sky.

Also here is a photo of the highest point on the Parkway, over 6000 feet.

Well tomorrow we head north to PA to get ready for the weekend retreat at the Loft Camp.

Here are a few photos of the past week. The board along with some Ark staff met to tour the site of the Ark Encounter. We took a very important moment to ask the Lord to bless this effort.

Then we have a photo of us waiting at the Hanson’s home ready to begin the ichat to CBC for the Sunday message.

The Hansen’s live in South Carolina near the boarder with NC. We had a wonderful time with them, very restful. Got to tour again a bit of Bob Jones U and also to see the sanctuary of the church they are attending. Got two ideas we may be able to use for future small groups or other program curriculum.

Then we headed north and stayed two nights in Pigeon Forge, TN. More pics later.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Arrived at the Answers in Genesis Board Meeting

Hello everyone. We had a good trip here with great travel weather. It is about 80 here and warm and I was surprised to see the leaves were already changing.

We arrived at the AiG offices and museum on Tuesday evening. We joined the board at the home of Ken and Mally and had a wonderful dinner together. The board meeting started Wednesday morning and it has now been two days of full meetings. Very exciting. Tonight we ended the day with a viewing of the new HD Cosmos planetarium presentation and then viewed some heavenly objects from the newly built astronomical viewing building just completed. Dr. Lisle had an assistant and used three large telescopes to show us various stars along with some wonderful pictures of the moon.

Beverly started yesterday by handing out cookies to the staff that she brought from Jackson. I think she told me she had something like 120 dozen!

Today she made lots of bippies, 300 of them, and they are a big hit here! Everyone looks forward to them. Her brother Herbie arrived Wednesday morning and helped her with the baking and frosting.

We had about a 13 and a half hour day yesterday and were in board meetings and together for another 11 and a half hours day today.

Tomorrow morning we are scheduled to travel to the new Ark Encounter site.

This is a privilege to be involved with AiG. We thank you for all your support and prayers.

This time instead of staying at a motel we are staying at the apartment at the Deck Lane house, a home owned by AiG at the museum which is used by volunteers. It is a very nice apartment and it means we are right here and do no have to travel the interstate each day. Less stress and much more convenient for Beverly and me.

Pastor Don