We had a good trip leaving from CBC after church on Sunday and stayed in Sidney, Nebraska that night, lodging in Springfield, Missouri the following night.
Monday afternoon we spent time with Tim Dudley at the publishing office of Master Books. What an exciting time to meet with some of the people who are woking on promoting the book! It was humbling and awesome. Pray with us that the Lord will use the message of The Genius of Ancient Man for His glory.
Monday evening we had the opportunity to go to the Sight and Sound Theatre in Branson, Missouri for the Joseph presentation. What a wonderful message of forgiveness!
We picked up more of the books today and hope to travel a little further than Little Rock by Wednesday night so it is not so long a day on Thursday to arrive in South Carolina. Our friends the Hansens have lined up a Bible study for Friday night and we have been informed that approximately 40 people are coming.
Also another opportunity is for us to speak at the Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship church youth group class on Sunday morning October 21st in Allentown, Pennsylvania. That same evening we are to be at a church in PA where Lance Eiesle is the new Pastor.
The AiG board meeting begins Sunday night, October 14th.
Thanks for your prayers.
Don and Beverly
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